Why should I buy a Car in the UK?

Mudassir Hussain
3 min readMar 22, 2023
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

Ever since I moved to the United Kingdom, everyone has been telling me to buy a car.

“It's a must”.

“You can't survive without it”.

“You can never manage without it”.

I wonder, why this is a default decision for many.

Like every other thing in the world, it should depend on individual circumstances rather than the entire group.

Well, let's deep dive into my situation and try to justify a car for my family of four.

We moved to the UK around eight months ago. After the initial struggle, I managed to rent a property that is located approximately 15 min walk from work. Sometimes I have to travel a little longer which takes 30 minutes by bus. And that’s all the transport I need for getting to and fro from work.

My work hours are pretty standard with little chance of overstays. So, I don’t practically need a car for work, unless I want to make a standard of living or class issue.

My partner stays with the kids. The older one’s school is located a 10 min walk from home. The younger one’s Nursery is even closer although in the opposite direction. Overall, it's pretty easy and comfortable taking both of them to school. So, I don't need a car for kids' school, unless I want to give them a ride…



Mudassir Hussain

Medical professional interested in human behaviour and society. I like to write about personal experience, healthcare, politics and self growth.